Wednesday, March 5, 2008


When I was in 2nd grade, our school kids' moms were having a meeting at a place called "Seoul Club." They were having a meeting after school, so most of them brought their kids to the meeting. Seoul Club was a place you can enjoy your time from kids to adults. At the Seoul Club there was a place where practically no one came in, it was like a secret place for us. At that place there were fences so that people won't fall below. When we looked down, there was a blue truck=D (hehe) and around us, there was ALOT of rocks(trust me even you people would have had hard time trying to refuse that temptation:D even though it's a BAD thing to do). So we picked up the rocks and started dropping the rocks on the truck and suddenly we heard 'WHAMMMM!!' ahha!! my friend threw a brick (not a rock a HUGE, RED, BRICK>ㅁ<) and with that sound the glass broke... and I still remember my friends face:)))). And that became a secret between me and the people who were there. Well.. now I don't know where they are, but even though it's a secret now it's just a fun memory that I will have forever: )))


natalyp said...

that's sooooooo cute><
it's okay cuz u were in 2nd grade but i hope you dont do it these days
it was really brave of you:] hahah

great job babe

KellyK said...

awweessoommee :D
i guess becuase you were in second grade it was okay..
im glad you learned from that incident kk.

Christine said...

thnx<33 honss:))

SophiaC said...

you badddbadd girll
hehhehe its okayy :)

Joohee K said...

you are soooooo cute

Shorty:) said...

heyyy thats really ummm,,,, funny!!!
haha i did that once but it wasnt a truck ! it was a human!! haha
it was our school student and he was a high schooler! i was really scared but i did it with friends!
i luv your post and post more of these stories!!!

Kelly Lee said...

/) /)
(ㅂ_ㅂ) ♥KELLY L's COMMENT ♥
your story is very interesting-
it's okay because you were young^^